So on to the ramblings....
My husband is Aaaawesome with a capital A. If it were not for him, this wedding season I would have no groceries in the house, no clean clothes, and no errands completed due to the 12, 14, and 16 hour days I've been working. He actually went to Target last week to buy a present for some friends of ours and actually bought a "pretty bag and pretty paper with sparkly crap on it to wrap it in". He rules! He has been making me breakfast and dinner and hugging me when I get overwhelmed. Good guy, that husband of mine. Funny guy too. He decided last night that our cat Owen needed a hair cut and decided to try to make him look like a Lion. Poor Owen does NOT look like a Lion but instead looks like he was put through a wood chipper. Poor kitty. Owen is on the left and this photo is taken pre-wood chipper haircut. Milton, on the right, is much smarter than Owen and would not have allowed such nonsense.

I have a wedding in Hawaii in October that I'm excited about. My fabulous husband is coming with me and we're going to have a few days of vacation after the wedding. My husband deserves this vacation for putting up with me over the past few months. I deserve the vacation for...well, I don't know what for, but I'm looking forward to it!
I just bought a new laptop solely because it is RED. Lame, yes, but I tend to make all my purchases that way. Red? Sparkly? Sold! My next car, though, will not be a poorly made American Chrysler product but a perfectly made machine whose name is either Honda or Toyota. But, it will be red.
I turn 30 in February and am planning a trip to Paris with my older sister. Everyone says you should go to Paris with someone you love, and while I love my husband more than anything, he is terrible in museums and therefore not allowed to go to Paris with me. He gets bored a little too quickly. When we were in Athens a year ago he was "over" The Acropolis after less than 2 hours. Not. Cool. My sister Dana is the complete opposite. She reads every line on every plaque and so we'll spend days in the museums. She's a good museum buddy AND I love her, so she gets to go to Paris with me. Lucky her!
One of my favorite shows on TV is The Soup on E! My awesome assistant Krista hooked us up with tickets for the taping a few weeks ago. And, as you can see, I adore the host Joel McHale. Maybe a little too much?! Nah...
I absolutely adore you...! MWAH!
take care of that great husband...they really come in handy sometimes.
Haha ha ha ha ha. Awww... I will make your excuses for the family reunion! And learn French.
I absolutely love the fact that you bought a laptop because it's Red! I just bought one on Saturday because it was Black with swirls on it, they call it espresso black. Once I saw it, I knew I had to have it, so happy you share a similar story like this!
Hee hee! Thanks for the love, ya'll!
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