Thursday, May 10, 2012

    Pretty Pictures: Red Lips

    I may be biased, since red is one of my favorite colors. And let us not get started with Amber. Queen of  Red and all things that sparkle. Though there is something very alluring about red: a confident color, powerful and even erotic. This picture of Olivia Palermo, is the perfect example of how to execute a red lip. Red lips is standard for a classy french woman, but for the everyday American? It's a bold move and I feel like more women should attempt this look. Even with a bare face it'll automatically make you look more put together. 

    Research has reasserted a strong link between males' perceptions of female attractiveness and red lipstick. Specifically, men are not only most drawn to a woman's lips, but, they spend the most time (7.3 seconds) fixated on a woman's lips when she is wearing red lipstick (as reported by the Daily Mail).
    Now if that's some good incentive right there!

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