Ok. This is too, too good to be true--I'm officially in heaven. So today I'm driving down at the Redondo Beach Historic Library for a tasting with some of my clients and my husband calls to tell that I just got a box in from my Mom. She frequently sends me boxes with fun sparkly things or interesting Mom things such as newspaper articles of people we know. So of course I ask the husband to open the box to tell me what's in it. He does and he says to me: "
It's full.....of a bunch..... of sparkly stuff. AGAIN." And I start to laugh as he describes each and every item in today's box of sparkles: "
fuzzy-purple-robe-type-thingy-with-sparkles-on-it" was a cape that my mom made for some costume a while ago. My mom decided to clean out HER costume closet and send it to MY costume closet. Just in time for Halloween! She sent me a bunch of fabulous stuff that she'd collected over the years. I even got an gorgeous outfit that my grandmother wore in her teens.

As a kid, I used to wear tutus and tiaras to church and my mom just smiled and let me have my fun. I never got over my love of playing dress up--so I have an awesome collection as a result of that. My costume closet is full of wigs, ballgowns (the one in the picture I made when I was 18 or so for a costume ball I went to with my parents. Yes, I know I'm the
biggest nerd in the world), Renaissance gowns, tiaras, corsets, jewelry, wings, hats, shoes, vintage dresses, feather boas, masks, and a cow. Yup, a cow.
As awesome as it was getting another box of fabulous sparkly stuff in the mail, it was even awesomer hearing my husband describe every item to me over the phone. I like this game. I've decided that for my birthday I'm going to ask my friends to send gifts to my husband so he can describe the contents to me over the phone in only the way that he can.
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